
2023-09-06 11:20:54 作者:港风文艺 偏港风的


I can't find the solution to my problem. So I asked.

 con.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source = " & Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "piglets.accdb")

我是用Access 2010中这是工作的罚款,我和其他电脑。然后,我需要改变我的数据库,它给了我从SO工作示例。 piglets.accdb - 这是2010吧,我想。我打开一看,工作得很好,纳入到我的新创建的应用程序,用完全相同的code。有人和我一起工作,但直到我打开到另一台电脑,说:无法识别的数据库格式在的Form_Load

I was using Access 2010. It was working fine, with me and other PC's. Then I needed to change my database, it was given to me as a working sample from SO. piglets.accdb - This is 2010 too, I think. I opened it, worked fine, incorporated it to my newly created app, with the same exact code. It was working with me, but not until I opened it to another PC, says, "Unrecognized database format" at Form_Load

更新(难道这个问题适用于电脑没有的MS Access?) 我试了工作应用程序在PC上没有的访问,这是工作的罚款。

UPDATE (Does this problem apply on PC's without MS Access?) I tried the working App on the PC without Access, and it was working fine.


And on a laptop, it did throw an error upon saving, but it was working with the first 2010 database.

我在想什么? 更新2 我重新创建由戈德给我的数据库,到2007格式(这是其他PC​​上工作的数据库。)我尝试过了,使用了新创建的(2007与宏格式)在我的电脑上它工作正常,但话又说回来,它没有其他的电脑上。不过,无法识别的格式:/

What am I missing? UPDATE 2 I re-created the database given to me by Gord, to a 2007 format (which was the database that worked on the other PC.) I tried it out, used the newly created one (2007 format with macros) its working fine on my PC, but then again, its not on the other PC. still, Unrecognized Format :/


我怀疑有问题的机器上有Access 2007年。在Access 2007版本的Access数据库引擎(又名ACE)不能识别该文件,因为数据宏是被添加在Access 2010的功能。

I suspect that the troublesome machine has Access 2007 on it. The Access 2007 version of the Access Database Engine (a.k.a. "ACE") does not recognize the file because Data Macros were a feature that was added in Access 2010.


The safest solution would be to upgrade that machine to Access 2010. However, if that is not feasible then you could upgrade the Access Database Engine (but not the entire Access application) to the 2010 version by downloading and running the installer available here.

这应该让你的VB.NET应用程序使用Access 2010 .ACCDB文件与数据宏在里面。然而,

That should allow your VB.NET application to use the Access 2010 .accdb file with the Data Macros in it. However,

这不会使.ACCDB文件在Access本身被打开,因为Access 2007年的应用程序的仍然将无法识别Access 2010中的数据库的文件格式。

It will not enable the .accdb file to be opened in Access itself, since the Access 2007 application still won't recognize the Access 2010 database file format.

这很可能是不支持的配置,所以请您自担风险。 (虽然我也只是尝试在一个古老的Office 2007的虚拟机,它没有的似乎的破东西......)

That would probably be an unsupported configuration, so proceed at your own risk. (Although I did just try it on an old Office 2007 VM and it didn't seem to break anything....)