使用HTTP POST方法为Android应用程序发送JSON对象应用程序、对象、方法、POST

2023-09-06 10:52:59 作者:像中枪一样

我试图发送JSON对象到我的PHP Web服务。

i am trying to send JSON object to my php webservice.

我已经提到这个网址: - 的http://www.josecgomez.com/2010/04/30/android-accessing-restfull-web-services-using-json/

I have referred this url :- http://www.josecgomez.com/2010/04/30/android-accessing-restfull-web-services-using-json/


In my web service, I have to pass username and password but i don't know,


what is the GSON. can you tell why GSON use in this.????


I am new in json. if you know about json please guide me to solve this problem.


GSON 是一个Java库,Java对象转换成JSON,反之亦然。你不需要它,除非你有一些复杂的JSON结构。对于简单的对象,你可以轻松地构建自己的JSON字符串。

GSON is a Java library to convert java objects to JSON and vice-versa. You don't need it unless you have some complex JSON structure. For simple objects you can easily construct the JSON string yourself.