
2023-09-06 10:39:48 作者:爱人爱人爱多久才算是人

我有在转换经纬度值转换成Android的ESRI ArcGIS地图点麻烦。这是我的code获得纬度和经度值从GPS坐标:

I am having trouble in converting the latitude and longitude values into android esri arcGIS map Point. Here's my code to get latitude and longitude values from GPS coordinates:

LocationManager lm;
String towers;
double lat;
double longi;
TextView txt;

            lm = (LocationManager) getSystemService(Context.LOCATION_SERVICE);
            Criteria crit = new Criteria();
            towers = lm.getBestProvider(crit, false);
            Location location = lm.getLastKnownLocation(towers);

            if(location != null)
                lat = location.getLatitude();
                longi = location.getLongitude();

现在我有经度和纬度值。现在,我需要的是将这些值转换成有效的ESRI的ArcGIS MapPoint的。谁能帮我?

now I have the latitude and longitude values. Now all I need is to convert these values into valid esri arcGIS MapPoint. Can anyone help me?




Yes, it is possible. But you don't use the locationmanager in ArcGis.

ArcGIS中有一个像LocationListener的的predefined的方法,那就是: OnStatusChangedListener

ArcGIS has the predefined method like LocationListener, that is: OnStatusChangedListener.

请参阅下面的code为转换位置的经度和纬度为ESRI的ArcGIS MapPoint的。

See the below code for converting location latitude and longitude into esri arcGIS MapPoint.

     mMapView.setOnStatusChangedListener(new OnStatusChangedListener() {

      private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

      public void onStatusChanged(Object source, STATUS status) {
      if (source == mMapView && status == STATUS.INITIALIZED) {
      LocationService ls = mMapView.getLocationService();
      ls.setLocationListener(new LocationListener() {

      boolean locationChanged = false;

      // Zooms to the current location when first GPS fix
      // arrives.
      public void onLocationChanged(Location loc) {
      if (!locationChanged) {
      locationChanged = true;
      double locy = loc.getLatitude();
      double locx = loc.getLongitude();
      Point wgspoint = new Point(locx, locy);
      Point mapPoint = (Point) GeometryEngine.project(wgspoint,  



      Unit mapUnit = mMapView.getSpatialReference().getUnit();
      double zoomWidth = Unit.convertUnits(

      SEARCH_RADIUS, Unit.create(LinearUnit.Code.MILE_US), mapUnit);
      Envelope zoomExtent = new Envelope(mapPoint, zoomWidth, zoomWidth);


      GraphicsLayer gLayer = new GraphicsLayer();
      PictureMarkerSymbol symbol = new     
      Graphic graphic = new Graphic(mapPoint, symbol);
      //Graphic point=new Graphic(new Point(x, y),new    
      mMapView .addLayer(gLayer);


      public void onProviderDisabled(String arg0) {

      public void onProviderEnabled(String arg0) {

      public void onStatusChanged(String arg0, int arg1,
      Bundle arg2) {

