
2023-09-06 10:32:12 作者:处处留情.


I've been trying to find out this value out for hours now and to no avail. It's beginning to become quite frustrating.

我看到这个%的时间在GC花处处提到的(如的https: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163528.aspx 为例),但没有提及如何将其恢复!

I see this "% time spent in GC" mentioned everywhere (like https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163528.aspx for example) but with no mention on how to retrieve it!

我已经试过Visual Studio的内存分析器,蚂蚁(试用期满),CLR分析器和PerfView。这哪里是价值存储,这样我可以读它?

I've tried Visual Studio's memory profiler, ANTS (trial expired now), CLR Profiler, and PerfView. Where is this value stored so that I may read it?



It's in Performance Monitor (perfmon.exe)

启动性能监视器并选择要监视的进程。 点击就大了绿色的+号添加一个性能计数器。 在添加计数器对话框中,选择.NET CLR内存 在展开的.NET CLR内存计数器 向下滚动,选择%时间在GC