cocos2d-iphone-2.1-beta2 中的 CCScrollLayer 问题问题、iphone、cocos2d、CCScrollLayer

2023-09-06 10:25:09 作者:爱你至死不渝

您好,我在最新的 cocos2d 测试版中遇到了 CCScrollLayer 所述的问题,主要是在编译时我得到:use of undeclared identifier 'CC_GL_BLEND'.有没有办法解决这个任何人发现的问题?

Hi there I'm having problems as stated with CCScrollLayer in the lateste cocos2d beta, mainly that on compiling I get: use of undeclared identifier 'CC_GL_BLEND'. Is there any way to sort this problem that anyone has found yet?


您可以放心地评论该行..无论如何混合已经启用...并且在 cocos2D 2.1 beta 中进行此更改后一切正常.

Safely you can comment that line..anyway blending is already enabled...and everything works fine after this change in cocos2D 2.1 beta.

// Set GL Values
#if COCOS2D_VERSION >= 0x00020000
      //  ccGLEnable(CC_GL_BLEND); //Guru
        ccPointSize( 6.0 * CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR() );
#define DRAW_4B_FUNC ccDrawColor4B

        GLboolean blendWasEnabled = glIsEnabled( GL_BLEND );