
2023-09-07 08:48:18 作者:冰糖葫芦娃


I realised I need to filter out some entities from the navigation property in EF. I found Microsoft's own page on this:

https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/ jj574232#explicitFilter

我抄他们的code到vb.net尽可能接近,因为我可以为我的实体。我改变后没有工作,所以它应该过滤掉一切过滤器(ID = -99)。这仍然没有奏效。它得到了发票,但不过滤任何的相关发票的详细信息。

I have copied their code into vb.net as closely as I can for my entities. I changed the filter after it did not work so that it should filter out everything (id = -99). This still did not work. It gets the Invoice but does not filter any of the related Invoice details.

Dim Inv = MyBase.Context.Invoices.Include(Function(x) x.InvoiceDetails).Where(Function(x) x.id = id).FirstOrDefault

MyBase.Context.Entry(Inv).Collection(Function(x) x.InvoiceDetails).Query().Where(Function(d) d.id = -99).Load()

Dim cc = Inv.InvoiceDetails.Count

If cc > 1 Then

Debug.Write(cc)''This should not run as all should be filtered out but it does

End If


Any ideas? My code seems to match thiers very closely. I have tried this with and without the ".include".




Entity framework team are working on it. Its a upcoming feature


请参见 https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/data/jj574232#explicitFilter

LINQ查询 - 如何排序和过滤器预先抓取