我可以使用 cocos2d 在 iphone 应用程序中显示图像的一部分吗?可以使用、应用程序、图像、iphone

2023-09-06 10:16:23 作者:牵挂


I want to display portion of image not to display the total image.At first display the full image but after a delay time display the a portion of this image. I can not understand how can i do this. Like we can display portion of text by fixing the dimension of Label.But in case of image how can i do that using sprite or other.



Set the texture rect on the CCSprite.

//create a sprite, e.g. myFile is 128x128 pixels
CCSprite* mySprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:@"myFile.png"];

//position it somewhere
[mySprite setPosition:ccp(xPos,yPos)];

//show only the first 64x64 square
[mySprite setTextureRect:CGRectMake(0, 0, 64, 64)];

//add it to the root
[self addChild:mySprite];