如何在cocos 2D中的某个时间段内查找视图是否被点击超过2次视图、时间段内、如何在、cocos

2023-09-06 14:52:43 作者:木偶娃娃的线谁来牵

我正在用 cocos 2D 开发游戏.在我的游戏中,我需要点击我的视图一定次数.如果用户试图点击超出限制的视图,它应该显示一个警报.

I am developing a game in cocos 2D. In my game I need to tap my view a certain number of times. If the user attempts to tap the view beyond the limit, it should display an alert.

请有人帮我找出视图上的点击次数.最重要的是水龙头的数量不是同时的.在 Total 游戏中,用户只能点击一定次数,之后他们不应点击视图.

Please can someone help me to find number of taps on the view. Most important is number of taps is not simultaneously. In the Total game the user can tap only a certain number of times, after which they should not tap the view.


你可以用 NSTimeInterval 做到这一点.

You can do this with NSTimeInterval.

    //decalre this in interface file
    NSTimeInterval      mLastTapTime;


    if(self = [super init])
         mLastTapTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
    return self;


    NSTimeInterval currentTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
    NSTimeInterval diff = currentTime - mLastTapTime;

    if(diff < 0.3 )
         //do whatever you want if user press with 0.3second
    mLastTapTime = [NSDate timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];