
2023-09-06 10:01:34 作者:【孤韣菂亼,寂瘼菂杺】

由于 OleDbParameter 不使用命名参数(由于其性质), 那为什么在.NET OleDbParameter 类需要一个名字吗? (字符串参数名称......)

Since the OleDbParameter does not use named parameters (due to its nature), why is it that the .NET OleDbParameter class expects a name? (string parametername ...)


All constructors require a parameter name, and I'm never sure what name to give it; my name is ok? or my grandmothers name?


虽然使用OLEDB / ODBC提供使用命名参数位置参数来代替 -

Although the OleDb/Odbc providers use positional parameters instead of named parameters -


the parameters will need to be identified in some way inside the OleDbParameter collection should you need to reference them.


importantly when the parameterised sql statement is constructed, a variable for each parameter is declared and assigned it's respective value. and then used in the sql statement that is executed.


string sql = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Field = ?";
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommmand(sql, sqlConnection);
cmd.Parameters.Add("@FieldValue", OleDbType.Int32, 42);
OleDbDataReader dr = cmd.ExecuteReader();


The SQL executed would be something like (or close to I think):

DECLARE @FieldValue INT;
SET @FieldValue = 42;
SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE Field = @FieldValue


You would be advised to use a parameter name that best matches the name of the column being operated on.