安卓:RTL支持 - 嵌入到左一句右位(希伯来文)希伯来文、一句、RTL

2023-09-06 10:00:52 作者:你是太阳深拥必伤

我的应用程序将显示它来自Web服务的希伯来文。 当一个句子中包含数字(在它的中间),数字出现在镜子的看法: 29显示为92,21:45显示为54:12和2000显示为000,2。 此外,当一个句子开始,数字或英文字母,他们抛出的句末搞乱了这一切......



时RTL支持的Andr​​oid仍   不成熟?

如果用不成熟你的意思是不存在,那么,是的,这是不成熟的。每个的Andr​​oid SDK发布列出了支持的语言,你会发现,RTL语言不在其中。

My application displays Hebrew text which comes from a Web Service. When a sentence contains digits (in the middle of it), the digits appear in a mirror view: 29 appears as 92, 21:45 appears as 54:12 and 2,000 appears as 000,2. Also, when a sentence starts with digits or English characters, they get thrown to the end of the sentence messing it all up...


Does anyone have an idea how can this be solved? Is RTL support in Android still immature?


Is RTL support in Android still immature?

If by "immature" you mean "nonexistent", then, yes, it is immature. Each Android SDK release lists the supported languages, and you will notice that RTL languages are not among them.