
2023-09-06 14:50:45 作者:淋雨一直走


I'm facing a very strange problem with an EditText with assigned InputFilter in an application I'm writing. The idea is, to have an EditText, which only accepts decimal numbers as input with a maximum of two decimal places and a decimal separator according to the user's locale settings. Here are the relevant pieces of code


The EditText in my layout

        android:nextFocusForward="@+id/category" >


public class MoneyFilter implements InputFilter {
    private String testRegex;

    public MoneyFilter(String decimalSep) {
        testRegex = "^\\d+\\" + decimalSep + "?\\d{0,2}$";

    public CharSequence filter(CharSequence source, int start, int end,
        Spanned dest, int dstart, int dend) {
        String s = source.toString();
        String d = dest.toString();

        String r = d.substring(0, dstart) + s.substring(start, end)
            + d.substring(dend);

        if (r.matches(testRegex)) {
            return null;
        } else {
            return "";


And the assignment of the InputFilter to my EditText in the related Activity

            new InputFilter[] { new MoneyFilter(decimalSeperator) });

的 decimalSeparator 的是从区域设置读取,而的getValue()的只是调用的 findViewById(...)的一些铸造到正确的类型。

decimalSeparator is read from the locale settings, and getValue() just calls findViewById(...) with some casting to the correct type.


In general my implementation seems to work exactly as supposed, but it shows one strange behaviour. When the decimal separator is already entered and the screen orientation is changed to landscape mode, it is hidden, all numbers stay visible. As soon as the orientation is changed back to portrait mode, it is shown again. I can even enter the decimal separator in landscape mode, although it will not be shown in the EditText, until the device is put back to portrait mode.

我可以复制我的Andr​​oid 4.3设备上,并与API级别模拟器18和10取出机器人的行为:数字和/或Android:从EditText上inputType下,也不会改变这种行为,其他的EditText小部件不输入过滤器表现完全正常,所以我想这在某种程度上与该过滤器。

I could reproduce the behavior on my Android 4.3 device and in the emulator with API Level 18 and 10. Removing android:digits and/or android:inputType from the EditText, won't change this behavior, other EditText widgets without InputFilter behave completely normal, so I guess it's somehow related to that filter.

研究几个小时并没有带来什么有用的东西,所以在有些帮助是AP preciated :)如果你需要更多的信息,或code,只是让我知道。

Several hours of research didn't bring anything useful up, so some help is appreciated :) If you need more information, or code, just let me know.




好像你正面临着​​一个已知的问题(的 HTTPS://$c$c.google.com/p/android/issues/detail ID = 2626 ),谷歌忽略了从较长时间修复。

Seems like you are facing a known issue (https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=2626) that Google is neglecting to fix from long time.


In Landscape mode, IME defaults to full screen or technically, ExtractEditText which doesn't honor the locale settings.

您可以通过可能禁用ExtractEditText如下解决这个问题:机器人:imeOptions =flagNoExtractUi

You can possibly resolve this issue by disabling ExtractEditText as follows : android:imeOptions="flagNoExtractUi"
