
2023-09-06 09:47:02 作者:看不透忘不了


While reading Jon Skeet's article on fields vs properties he mentions that changing fields to properties is a breaking change.


I would like to understand the common scenarios in which this change can cause breaks. Along with the scenario, if you can, please provide any details.


For starters, the following points have been mentioned elsewhere:


You can't change fields to properties if you are using reflection on the class. This is obvious even though I don't have details. Serialization is one scenario where reflection is used to iterate over the object and changing fields to properties will break the serializer or change the output

您不能轻易地对场结合。 (这是为什么呢?我读here)

You can't easily bind against fields. (Why is this? I read it here)


编辑:罗伯特有一个COM prehensive的原因选择列表properties在田野并还介绍了如何在它们之间的切换可能会导致重大更改。

Robert has a comprehensive list of reasons for choosing properties over fields and also explains how switching between them can cause a breaking change.



Properties can throw any arbitrary exceptions, whereas fields can't (at least when compiler knows about field assignment at compile time).