
2023-09-06 09:30:02 作者:喜风


I'm creating a web service with a variety of classes, many of which can contain references to other classes. Sometimes these "sub classes" have the same name (e.g. Customer and Customer), but are actually different, so I've placed these in different namespaces (e.g. MyRoot.Sub1, MyRoot.Sub2, etc.)


When I build the service, the generated WSDL places all of these classes at the top level, without specifying any delineation by sub-namespace. Therefore, it will define two versions of "Customer". Curiously, it doesn't complain during the build process.


When I host the service and try to reference it with a browser, I get the following error:

从上面的XML元素客户的   命名空间RE:HTTP:// ......引用的   不同类型的MyRoot.Sub1.Customer 的   和MyRoot.Sub2.Customer。使用XML 的   属性来指定另一个XML名称的   或命名空间的元素或类型。的

The top XML element 'Customer' from namespace 'RE: http://...' references distinct types MyRoot.Sub1.Customer and MyRoot.Sub2.Customer. Use XML attributes to specify another XML name or namespace for the element or types.


I looks like I could use XmlTypeAttribute TypeName to provide an unique class name, but this makes documentation quite a hassle, as everything's going to have two names. Considering the differentiation is already specified by the namespaces, is there any way to utilize that information? I haven't tried using TypeName="Sub1.Customer", etc., but none of the examples that I've seen use this notation, so I'm skeptical.


Is there something else obvious that I'm missing?



SOAP doesn't support hierarchical namespaces, so I've determined that there are only two solutions:

确保不同类所有方法唯一命名的Web服务 打破单一的Web服务为多种服务,使每个人都有自己独特的隐含的命名空间的


Since the latter option requires more administration (both in the code and within IIS), I decided to give the classes unique names. I may still end up breaking the service into multiples (for organization or load handling), but that's optional if the class names are unique.