
2023-09-06 09:26:57 作者:冰封de薆=


I have a List of items in an android app , and i want each item to be on a page . the problem is each item sets a layout with an imageview which downloads its image from a unique url. Is this possible to implement and how please ?



每个页面应该是一个片段,这取决于你的项目对象,你可能想实现的 Parcelable 并通过你的对象作为参数传递给你的片段,像这样:

Each page should be a Fragment, depending on your item object, you may want to implement Parcelable and pass your object as an argument to your Fragment, like so :


in your FragmentPagerAdapter :

public Fragment getItem(int position) { 
    PageFragment fragment = new PageFragment();
    Bundle bundle = new Bundle();
    bundle.putParcelable("ARGUMENT_KEY_NAME", itemObjectsList.get(position));
    return fragment;


and in your Fragment's code, read your object like so :

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Bundle bundle = this.getArguments();
    Item item = bundle.getParcelable("ARGUMENT_KEY_NAME");
    // do things with your Item object


Alternatively, if your item object is too large or if for any other reason you can't easily pass the whole object in a Bundle, you could just pass in the relevant info for the Fragment to be created, i.e. text and image urls etc ...