
2023-09-06 14:45:38 作者:酷的不着边


I'm trying to implement the behaviour described here, where a notification (or whatever) starts an "internal" activity in your app, and then when the user pressed back it goes to my "home" activity.


The Android docs say

在返回按钮的情况下,你应该让导航更   predictable的的将其插入任务的回堆栈的完整   向上导航路径到应用程序的最上面的屏幕的。这使得用户   谁已经忘记了他们是如何进入你的应用程序导航到该应用程序的   退出之前,最上面的屏幕。

In the case of the Back button, you should make navigation more predictable by inserting into the task's back stack the complete upward navigation path to the app's topmost screen. This allows users who've forgotten how they entered your app to navigate to the app's topmost screen before exiting.


Is there a good way to actually do that? Other questions on Stackoverflow suggest starting the main activity with an intent that tells it to start the internal activity, but that seems like a huge hack, that I somewhat doubt Google would have used in Gmail, and I assume there is a decent method, given that they are advocating the behaviour.


So is there a non-hacky way to do this?


啊哈,我只需要使用 PendingIntent.getActivities()而不是 getActivity()。另外值得一提的是TaskStackBuilder

Aha, I simply need to use PendingIntent.getActivities() instead of getActivity(). Also worth mentioning is TaskStackBuilder


    Intent backIntent = new Intent(ctx, MainActivity.class);

    Intent intent = new Intent(ctx, ConversationActivity.class);
    intent.putExtra("whatever", whatever);
    final PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivities(ctx, UNIQUE_REQUEST_CODE++,
            new Intent[] {backIntent, intent}, PendingIntent.FLAG_ONE_SHOT);


Just tested it. It works like a charm. I initially suspected that there might be a problem if the app is already running, and you go to a notification. I.e. say you activity stack is (topmost on the right):

[MainActivity] [SomeActivity]

和您单击的通知 ConversationActivity 。你会得到:?

and you click a notification for ConversationActivity. Would you get:?

[MainActivity] [SomeActivity] [MainActivity] [ConversationActivity]


Well, it turns out you magically get

[MainActivity] [SomeActivity] [ConversationActivity]


which is what I wanted, but I have no idea how it does that. I haven't set any special options on any of the activities. Oh well!