如何重新使用WPF ScrollViewer中创建自己的滚动控制?自己的、WPF、ScrollViewer

2023-09-06 08:49:39 作者:最爱安然无恙

我想提高图形绘制控件自带的图形#。这是很好的,但事情变得不可收拾时,你周围开始拖动节点。这是我与WPF第一次遇到,所以这可能是一个新手的问​​题。 :)

I'm trying to improve the graph drawing control that comes with Graph#. It's good, but things get out of hand when you start dragging nodes around. This is my first encounter with WPF, so this is probably a newbie question. :)


I have the GraphCanvas control which has nodes and edges on it. They can be dragged around which changes their coordinates, possibly making them negative. I would like to add scrollbars to the control which would allow to see how big the canvas really is.


To this end I'm thinking of putting the GraphCanvas inside a ScrollViewer. Which would be pretty easy and straightforward if not for one problem. I may not resize the GraphCanvas itself when a node is dragged outside the borders or this will mess up dragging bad. That is also the problem with the original control (check it out, it comes with a sample application).


It would be good if I could bind the scrollbar size/location to properties of the GraphCanvas, so that the ScrollViewer would not scroll anything physically, but just set the properties of GraphCanvas. That in turn would perform all actual calculations and scrolling.




OK, I found it! Three easy steps:

实施 System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.IScrollInfo 在自定义的控制; 添加自定义控制在的ScrollViewer ; 设置在 CanContentScroll 属性的ScrollViewer 。 Implement System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.IScrollInfo on your custom control; Add your custom control to a ScrollViewer; Set the CanContentScroll property on the ScrollViewer to True.
