
2023-09-06 08:17:39 作者:一分心动


I have a List that is cleared out every so often. The code is exactly like this:

VisitorAgent[] toPersist;
List<VisitorAgent> v = (List<VisitorAgent>)state;

lock (v)
   toPersist = v.ToArray();                       


//further processing of toPersist objects


Today i just got an Argument exception which doesn't make sense to me unless there was a memory issue. But if that was the case, why not OOM exception? What could cause this exception when calling ToArray()?

System.ArgumentException: Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and 
length, and the array's lower bounds.

我使用.NET 3.5安培; C#。

I am using .NET 3.5 & C#.



This just screams race condition (the lock statement was the first clue).

我猜想,一些其他的code(在另一个线程)添加到名单,其中,T&GT; 后,分配目标阵列,但它得到前各地要复制它。

I'd guess that some other code (in another thread) has added to the List<T> after it allocates the destination array but before it gets around to copying it.


The first thing I'd do is double-check that every possible access to your state list is properly wrapped in a lock statement.