
2023-09-06 08:17:33 作者:◆永灬恒丨国度


I am using a third party tool which internally adds trace messages using the following code:

    new System.Diagnostics.TraceSwitch("Switch", "").TraceInfo, message);


In this scenario, it appears that I must add the switch to my app.config file to get the trace messages to appear:

    <add name="Switch" value="3" />

因为不是所有的我的用户授予管理员权限进行更改在Program Files目录下这将成为一个问题。

Since not all of my users are granted administrator rights to make changes in the Program Files directory this becomes an issue.


Is it possible to set the TraceSwitch programmatically and allow the third party tool to write the trace messages?



Yes to first part of question. Probably no to second part, since the third-party is creating a new TraceSwtich on each call to WriteLineIf. In my opinion, it seems the third-party control has a failed implementation because 1) it should allow you to change the "switch" programmatically through a property, method, or function, and 2) it is reading the config file on every trace statement.