
2023-09-06 08:05:29 作者:野性稳江山


I'm using ViewPager for swiping between my Fragments. Is it possible to integrate a QR scanner (zxing or any other) inside of a Fragment so that I can swipe from scanners View to another Fragment and vice versa?


As far as I can tell, the majority of qr scanners require me to use an extended Activity class and to start it for result, handling it in onActivityResult, which is not an option to me


在吧codefragmentlib 是您正在寻找的人。而其维基告诉您如何整合它(虽然我使用了不同的方法之前,维基出来)。

The barcodefragmentlib is the one you are looking for. And its wiki shows you how to integrate it (although I used a different way before the wiki comes out).


However after fully integrated it and solve all the issues for our commercial app, I feel like put a QR scanner inside a fragment and switch using ViewPager is not a good idea. Some of the known issues with this idea and the mentioned library to me are:

的QR片段与其他片段之间切换将会使你的应用程序延迟非常明显,容易死机; 片段更换不是那么容易处理的活动,QR片段更是雪上加霜; 在处理纵向/横向扫描模式不可用在默认情况下(与原来的ZXing LIB) 当第一次打开QR片段,它可以黑掉你的屏幕在很短的时间 在扫描仪无法正常工作的银河S4或其他新设备具有更高分辨率的摄像头/显示器


Although these issues mentioned above can be solved with certain effort, it is really a trade off.