WPF - 的DLL静态链接静态、链接、WPF、DLL

2023-09-06 07:33:23 作者:太师,你就从了老衲吧。


I have a WPF app that I want to send to others so they can use it. I have several 3rd party dlls that it uses.

为了便于安装,我想有只运行一个exe文件。有没有与WPF应用程序(和一般的C#.NET)的方式说链接中的DLL文件? (我使用Visual Studio 2008 SP1。)

For ease of installation I would like to have one exe that just runs. Is there a way with WPF apps (and C#.NET in general) to say "Link in the DLL files"? (I am using visual Studio 2008 SP1.)


有一些第三方的静态链接器的.NET,这将产生一个单一的可执行文件。在你喜欢的搜索引擎搜索.NET静态链接。他们中的大多数也混淆你的code作为一个额外的好处,以使其更难进行逆向工程回可读的源$ C ​​$ C。

There are a number of third-party static linkers for .NET that will produce a single executable. Search for ".NET Static Linker" in your favorite search engine. Most of them also obfuscate your code as an added benefit to make it harder to reverse engineer back to readable source code.


I have not tried any of them so don't have a specific recommendation.

还有C ++项目在 $ C $文章称,有关如何使用架构工具来实现自己的目标相同会谈。

There's also an article on Code Project that talks about how to achieve the same goal yourself using framework tools.