
2023-09-06 07:31:35 作者:罗密欧与猪过夜

我已经下载了Android项目。为了避免名称冲突,我想从移动 com.android.zzz到com.my.zzz。 目前我使用Ecplise与标准Android工具包。有没有更好的方式来做到重命名,而不是通过文件手动去?

I have downloaded an Android project. To avoid name conflicts I want to move it from com.android.zzz to com.my.zzz. At the moment I'm using Ecplise with the standard android toolkit. Is there a better way to do the rename than to go manually through the files?



This is basic IDE refactoring.

右键单击包在Eclipse - >重构 - >重命名

Right click the package in Eclipse -> Refactor -> Rename.


You will probably want to check all the options that come up in the Rename dialog.

另一种办法是右键点击在Eclipse中的类文件 - >重构 - >移动

Another option would be to right click the class files in Eclipse -> Refactor -> Move.