在 plotly 上绘制日期与时间的关系图日期、关系、时间、plotly

2023-09-07 08:44:10 作者:Mole 泪痣

我有几个数据集我想用日期作为 X 轴和时间作为 Y 轴来绘制.我在 Jupyter Notebook 工作.

from datetime 导入日期、时间从 plotly 离线导入为 py从 plotly.graph_objs 导入散点图,数据py.init_notebook_mode(连接=真)会议=分散(x=[日期(2017, 1, 1), 日期(2017, 1, 3), 日期(2017, 1, 3)],y=[时间(8, 0, 0), 时间(12, 0, 0), 时间(16, 0, 0)],text=['工作会议1', '工作会议1', '工作会议1'],模式='标记')锻炼=分散(x=[日期(2017, 1, 1), 日期(2017, 1, 2), 日期(2017, 1, 2)],y=[时间(7, 30, 0), 时间(14, 30, 0), 时间(17, 0, 0)],text=['锻炼 1', '锻炼 2', '锻炼 3'],模式='标记')数据 = 数据([会议、锻炼])py.iplot(数据)

我得到的结果是这样的:X 轴也包括时间,Y 轴按插入数据的顺序排列,而不是从下到上.我没有尝试修改范围/域来解决这个问题.从我在

绘图导入将日期时间导入为 dt会议 = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=[dt.date(2017, 1, 1), dt.date(2017, 1, 3), dt.date(2017, 1, 3)],y=[dt.time(8, 0, 0), dt.time(12, 0, 0), dt.time(16, 0, 0)],text=['工作会议1', '工作会议1', '工作会议1'],模式='标记')锻炼 = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(x=[dt.date(2017, 1, 1), dt.date(2017, 1, 2), dt.date(2017, 1, 2)],y=[dt.time(7, 30, 0), dt.time(14, 30, 0), dt.time(17, 0, 0)],text=['锻炼 1', '锻炼 2', '锻炼 3'],模式='标记')对于 [会议、锻炼] 中的 d:对于 i, t in enumerate(d.y):d.y[i] = dt.datetime.combine(dt.date(2017, 1, 1), t)布局 = plotly.graph_objs.Layout(yaxis={'类型':'日期','tickformat': '%H:%M'})fig = plotly.graph_objs.Figure(数据=plotly.graph_objs.Data([会议,锻炼]),布局=布局)plotly.offline.plot(图)
Python plotly制作接口响应耗时的时间序列表

I have several data sets I would like to plot with dates as X axis and times as Y axis. I am working in Jupyter Notebook.

from datetime import date, time
from plotly import offline as py
from plotly.graph_objs import Scatter, Data

meetings = Scatter(
    x=[date(2017, 1, 1), date(2017, 1, 3), date(2017, 1, 3)],
    y=[time(8, 0, 0), time(12, 0, 0), time(16, 0, 0)],
    text=['work meeting 1', 'work meeting 1', 'work meeting 1'],

workouts = Scatter(
    x=[date(2017, 1, 1), date(2017, 1, 2), date(2017, 1, 2)],
    y=[time(7, 30, 0), time(14, 30, 0), time(17, 0, 0)],
    text=['workout 1', 'workout 2', 'workout 3'],

data = Data([meetings, workouts])

The result I get is this: The X axis includes time as well, and the Y axis goes in order of inserted data, not from bottom to top. Nothing I've tried with modifying the range/domain has fixed this. From what I've seen on the help page time objects aren't supported. Is there any way to make this type of plot work?


In order to plot hours you would need to do two things:

Set the yaxis type to date and the tickformat to %H:%M Convert your time objects to datetime objects

We just pretend everything on the yaxis happened on the same day but we only report the hour.

import plotly
import datetime as dt

meetings = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(
    x=[dt.date(2017, 1, 1), dt.date(2017, 1, 3), dt.date(2017, 1, 3)],
    y=[dt.time(8, 0, 0), dt.time(12, 0, 0), dt.time(16, 0, 0)],
    text=['work meeting 1', 'work meeting 1', 'work meeting 1'],

workouts = plotly.graph_objs.Scatter(
    x=[dt.date(2017, 1, 1), dt.date(2017, 1, 2), dt.date(2017, 1, 2)],
    y=[dt.time(7, 30, 0), dt.time(14, 30, 0), dt.time(17, 0, 0)],
    text=['workout 1', 'workout 2', 'workout 3'],

for d in [meetings, workouts]:
    for i, t in enumerate(d.y):
        d.y[i] = dt.datetime.combine(dt.date(2017, 1, 1), t)

layout = plotly.graph_objs.Layout(yaxis={
    'type': 'date',
    'tickformat': '%H:%M'

fig = plotly.graph_objs.Figure(
    data=plotly.graph_objs.Data([meetings, workouts]),