
2023-09-06 07:12:22 作者:看!灰鸡


How is something like this done in linq? It has filter criteria on the JOIN.


select salesman.salesmanid, max(sales.quantity)
from salesman
inner join sales  on salesman.salesmanid =sales.salesmanid 
              and sales.salesdate < salesman.promotiondate
group by salesman.salesmanid




You can't join on anything other than equals, but that's probably not what you want here anyway. I would contend that the SQL query is awkwardly written and that the date comparison should be in a WHERE clause, but I suppose that's subjective. Anyway, that's the only way to do it in Linq:

var results =
    from sm in salesman
    join s in sales on sm.salesmanid equals s.salesmanid
    where s.salesdate < sm.promotiondate
    group s by s.salesmanid into g
    select new { salesmanid = g.Key, maxsales = g.Max(s => s.quantity) };

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