如何使用 ggplot 绘制 3D 散点图?如何使用、ggplot、散点图

2023-09-06 07:09:52 作者:只为伊人笑

I tried to use the plotly package, but it is not working in my case at all. The ggplot package is working for 2D plots but it is giving an error when adding one more axis. How to solve this issue?

ggplot(data,aes(x=D1,y=D2,z=D3,color=Sample)) +

How to add one more axis and get the 3D plot in this?

解决方案 手把手教你使用ggplot2绘制散点图

Since you tagged your question with plotly and said that you've tried to use it with plotly, I think it would be helpful to give you a working code solution in plotly:

Creating some data to plot with:

temp <- rnorm(100, mean=30, sd=5)
pressure <- rnorm(100)
dtime <- 1:100

Graphing your 3d scatterplot using plotly's scatter3d type:

plot_ly(x=temp, y=pressure, z=dtime, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", color=temp)

Renders the following:

ggplot as others have note, by itself does not support 3d graphics rendering.