
2023-09-06 06:52:51 作者:古芭比贩卖.

我需要监控,其服务/应用程序产生哪些流量(以kbit / s的测量,通过上行和下行分隔)我的电话。我该怎么做呢?我用Google搜索周围,但没有发现任何有用的帖子/ HOWTO文档...

i need to monitor, which services/apps produce what traffic (measured in kbit/s, separated by up- and downlink) for my phone. how do i do this? i googled around but did not find any helpful posts/howtos...


答案是类TrafficStats :) 在这里,你可以得到传输的字节和/或包...

The answer is the class TrafficStats :) Here, you can get the transferred Bytes and/or packages...