2023-09-06 06:43:42 作者:用白色的~蜡笔画一场婚礼


Why doesn't the .NET Base Class Libary have CRC classes?



Eric Lippert has the best explanation of "Why Feature X is not implemented" (I think he knows a thing or two about why or why not things get implemented in the language)

我问:为什么不C#实现   功能X'所​​有的时间,答案   始终是相同的:因为没有人   设计过的,指定的执行,   经过测试,记录和发运的   特征。所有六个这些东西都是   必要使一个特征发生。   他们都花费大量的时间,   精力和金钱。特点是不   价格便宜,而且我们非常努力,使   确保我们只航运那些   的特点,提供可能的最佳   给我们的用户的利益给了我们   约束时间,精力和金钱   预算。

I am asked "why doesn't C# implement feature X?" all the time. The answer is always the same: because no one ever designed, specified, implemented, tested, documented and shipped that feature. All six of those things are necessary to make a feature happen. All of them cost huge amounts of time, effort and money. Features are not cheap, and we try very hard to make sure that we are only shipping those features which give the best possible benefits to our users given our constrained time, effort and money budgets.


From here (unreleated topic but relevant answer): http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ericlippert/archive/2009/06/22/why-doesn-t-c-implement-top-level-methods.aspx
