WPF RibbonWindow + Windows 8 - 控制框看起来很糟糕很糟糕、WPF、RibbonWindow、Windows

2023-09-06 06:26:20 作者:图谋不轨

我在使用 WPF RibbonWindow 和 Windows 8 时遇到问题.在旧 Windows 中一切正常,但在 Windows 8 控制框(最小化、最大化和退出按钮)上看起来很糟糕

我使用 Microsoft 的 RibbonControlLibrary(2010 年 10 月的版本)XAML 代码包含在 了解如何明确设置您的主题.

Win8系统真相大调查 近期热点传闻汇总

有关 Windows 8 中可用主题的更多详细信息 这里.

参见 这里了解为什么这不是 Windows 8 主题的详细信息.这似乎是一个应该修复的错误.检查您的 .net 运行时版本以确保它是最新的.

I have a problem with WPF RibbonWindow and Windows 8. In older windows everything works fine, but on Windows 8 control box (minimalize, maximalize and exit buttons) looks terrible

I use RibbonControlLibrary from Microsoft (version from October 2010) XAML code is included http://pastebin.com/cNws0CGt (without irrelevant information, I hope I haven't deleted something important)

Expected output (Windows 7):


What you're asking about is the window theme. The reason it is different in Windows 8 is because Windows 8 has a different default theme than Windows 7. To standardize this you will need to set an explicit theme for your project.

See here on how to explicitly set your theme.

More details on what themes are available in Windows 8 here.


See here for details on why this isn't Windows 8 themed. It appears to be a bug that should have been fixed. Check your .net runtime version to make sure it is the latest.