C# - 创造无形的用户控件控件、用户

2023-09-06 06:20:12 作者:北城以北、思念不归

我需要建立在C#.net用户控件,它可以添加到应用程序而不可见的 - 就像的FolderBrowserDialog。这是我将使用往往一个新的窗口,所以我认为这是正确的方式。该窗口将当调用ShowDialog的,方法与其他已知的对话框打开。

I need to create a user control in C#.Net, which can be added to the application without being visible - just like the FolderBrowserDialog. It's a new window which I'll be using often so I think this is the right way. The window will be opened by envoking the showDialog-Method as known from the other dialog.

你知道吗? 感谢和问候,

Any Idea? Thanks and regards,



由于所有这些隐形控制从Component类派生的,你应该通过阅读MSDN文章就可以启动: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.component.aspx

Since all these "invisible" controls derive from Component class, you should start by reading the MSDN article on it: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.componentmodel.component.aspx.