的RichTextbox SelectionStart返回错误的索引索引、错误、RichTextbox、SelectionStart

2023-09-06 05:09:00 作者:你的眼眸印在我心间




但我RichTexbox的startIndex是永远 2 而不是 0 ,如果我设置的第一个位置的光标该文档。 如果我清楚完整的文字是在 0 。但是,如果我preSS SPACE 然后退格的文本框为空,但开始索引的计数器上的 2


*编辑* 第一个解决方案


    '''< /总结>
    '''< PARAM NAME =RTB>将RichTextBox的值应确定和LT; /参数>
    '''<返回>将光标的指标值。 0是在所述第一位置。后位置的背后是字符123,它会返回该指数3< /回报>
    '''<说明>提防的表现,分开使用此梅索德。蒂莫·鲍姆(Böhme),2012< /说明>
    专用功能GetPositionOfCursor(BYVAL RTB作为RichTextBox中)作为整数
        昏暗contentStart作为TextPointer = rtb.Document.ContentStart
        昏暗的资源为整数= 0
        昏暗CursorIndex作为整数= contentStart.GetOffsetToPosition(rtb.CaretPosition)
        昏暗Ĵ作为整数= 0

            如果J> CursorIndex然后退出待办事项
            elseif的contentStart.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward)= TextPointerContext.Text然后
                RES + = 1

            contentStart = contentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(1,LogicalDirection.Forward)
            J + 1 =




的TextRange范围=新的TextRange(Document.ContentStart,CaretPosition); INT N = range.Text.Length;



I need to show the user, like in notepad.exe, the selection start and length of his text on cursor.

c winform richTextBox1.LoadFile加载MemoryStream的时候报错

Selection length is no problem because Richtextbox supports the Selection Property with Start and End.


But the startindex of my RichTexbox is always 2 instead of 0 if I set the cursor on first position of the document. If I CLEAR the complete text it is on 0. But if I press SPACE and then BACKSPACE the textbox is empty but the counter of StartIndex is on 2

Any idea?


Ok, thats a working solution of mine. But I think there is a better way to do it.

''' <summary>
    ''' Get the position of the cursor. Ignores all formatting characters like ENTER and PARAGRAPH. Just counts the visible characters.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="rtb">The richtextbox the value should be determined</param>
    ''' <returns>Index value of the cursor. 0 is at the first position. After position is behind characters "123" it would return the index 3.</returns>
    ''' <remarks>Watch out for performance, Use this methode in separated. Timo Böhme, 2012</remarks>
    Private Function GetPositionOfCursor(ByVal rtb As RichTextBox) As Integer
        Dim contentStart As TextPointer = rtb.Document.ContentStart
        Dim res As Integer = 0
        Dim CursorIndex As Integer = contentStart.GetOffsetToPosition(rtb.CaretPosition)
        Dim j As Integer = 0

            If j > CursorIndex Then Exit Do
            If contentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(1, LogicalDirection.Forward) Is Nothing Then
                Exit Do
            ElseIf contentStart.GetPointerContext(LogicalDirection.Backward) = TextPointerContext.Text Then
                res += 1
            End If

            contentStart = contentStart.GetPositionAtOffset(1, LogicalDirection.Forward)
            j += 1

        Return res
    End Function


I do not know whether this is a real answer to your question, but I use this simple trick to retrieve the cursor index related tot the text:

TextRange range = new TextRange(Document.ContentStart, CaretPosition); int n = range.Text.Length;

I'm working on an editor based on the WPF richtextbox. Since real time formatting (like highlighting keywords and such) is really slow I create a new document in another thread. In this thread the text gets formatted in appropiate runs, rather than formatting them as a part of the richtextbox's paragraph. Once finished the original one is replaced by the new one. Works really nice and incredible fast (compared to the MS way at least).

I hope this give you some inspiration and/or ideas.