从 R 包构建中排除数据集中排、数据

2023-09-06 05:02:38 作者:疼痛麻木然后心死。

我正在实现一个 R 包,其中的data"文件夹中有几个大的 .rda 数据文件.

I'm implementing an R package, where I have several big .rda data files in the 'data' folder.

当我构建包时(使用 R CMD build 创建 .tar.gz 打包文件),数据文件也包含在包中,并且由于它们非常大,这使得构建(以及检查) 过程很慢,而且最终的包大小无用大.

When I build the package (with R CMD build to create the .tar.gz packed file), also the data files are included in the package, and since they are really big, this makes the build (as well the check) process very slow, and the final package size uselessly big.


These data are downloaded from some DB through a function of the package, so the intent is not to include the data in the package, but to let the user populates the data folder from its own DB. The data that I use are for test, and it makes no sense to include them into the package.



好的,我通过创建一个名为 .Rbuildignore 的文件找到了第一个解决方案,其中包含一行:

Ok, I found a first solution by creating a file named .Rbuildignore that contains a line:


无论如何,问题仍然存在于 R CMD 安装和 R CMD 检查过程中,没有考虑到 .Rbuildignore 文件.

anyway the problem remains for the R CMD install and R CMD check processes, that do not take into account the .Rbuildignore file.


Any suggestion to exclude a folder also from the install/check processes?


如果你使用 .Rbuildignore 你应该先构建然后检查你的包(这不是检查忽略).这里在Debian环境和随机包中进行一些测试:

If you use .Rbuildignore you should first build then check your package (it's not a check-ignore). Here a few tests in a Debian environment and a random package:

l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif/pkg$ ls

l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif/pkg$ R
> save(Formaldehyde, file = "data/formal.rda")

l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif/pkg$ ls -l
totale 20
drwxr-xr-x 2 l l 4096 mag  1 01:31 data
-rw-r--r-- 1 l l  349 apr 25 00:35 DESCRIPTION
drwxr-xr-x 2 l l 4096 apr 25 01:10 man
-rw-r--r-- 1 l l 1189 apr 25 00:33 NAMESPACE
drwxr-xr-x 2 l l 4096 apr 25 01:02 R

l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif/pkg$ ls -l data/
totale 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 l l 229 mag  1 01:31 formal.rda

现在我创建你的 .Rbuildignore

l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif/pkg$ em .Rbuildignore
l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif/pkg$ cat .Rbuildignore


l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif/pkg$ cd ..
l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif$ R CMD build pkg
> tools:::.build_packages()
* checking for file ‘pkg/DESCRIPTION’ ... OK
* preparing ‘yapomif’:
* checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... OK
* checking for LF line-endings in source and make files
* checking for empty or unneeded directories
Removed empty directory ‘yapomif/data’
* building ‘yapomif_0.8.tar.gz’

很好(您会看到有关 yapomif/data 的消息).现在检查包装

Fine (you see the message about yapomif/data). Now check the package

l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif$ R CMD check yapomif_0.8.tar.gz
> tools:::.check_packages()
* using log directory ‘/home/l/.src/yapomif/yapomif.Rcheck’
* using R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10)
* using platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)



Now let's check the file (moved to home directory to keep my development dir clean)

l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif$ mv yapomif_0.8.tar.gz ~
l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif$ cd
l@np350v5c:~$ tar xvzf yapomif_0.8.tar.gz
l@np350v5c:~$ ls yapomif



l@np350v5c:~/src/yapomif$ R CMD check pkg


Undocumented data sets:


So, as stated, first build, then check.
