
2023-09-06 13:59:11 作者:被月老遗忘的人

我要整合一些C code与我的Andr​​oid应用程序。我做了一些R&安培; D和才知道,我可以通过这样做的 NDK (原生开发套件)。

I have to integrate some c code with my Android app. I did some R&D and came to know that I can do this through NDK (Native Development Kit).

我下载的 NDK 并阅读一些文章,并观看了影片中的 preferences 不显示配置NDK,但Android的节点本机开发节点设置NDK参考。

I downloaded NDK and read some article and watched videos to Configure NDK but Android node in Preferences does not show Native Development node to set NDK reference.


Am I missing some step or any other problem... please help


see my preference Window.



I followed this guide but when I installed the Sequoya packages it didn't work --no new options appeared on the Preferences or contextual menu.

我工作过的Ubuntu 10.10,所以我想将这些行的.bashrc

I work over Ubuntu 10.10 so I tried adding these lines to .bashrc

# Android definitions
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/android-ndk-r7c
export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=$HOME/android-ndk-r7c
export NDK=$HOME/android-ndk-r7c


I re-started Eclipse and reinstalled the Sequoyah packages on Eclipse once again --which I never uninstalled, so that was a little bit weird. But it worked.


Perhaps if you have Windows you can try adding those as Enviroment Variables.