
2023-09-06 13:57:26 作者:我们都在埋怨


如果(mSquare.intersect(jSquare)){              canvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK);

 碰撞= mSquare.intersect(jSquare);


有很多方法可以做到这一点,最简单的办法是让边界矩形的每个位图并在每个时间步要检查使用 Rect.intersect()法的冲突。


 布尔碰撞= player.getRect()相交(fallingObject.getRect())。
46.矩操作函数SetRect FillRect FrameRect PtInRect InvertRect Offsetrect SetRectEmpty IsRectEmpty Intersect



Ive created a game where you move a rectangle and dodge other falling rectangles from the sky. Though everytime the rectangles intersect nothing happens.

if(mSquare.intersect(jSquare)){ canvas.drawColor(Color.BLACK); or

collision = mSquare.intersect(jSquare);
     if(collision==true){  canvas.drawColor(Color.RED);
  }  this always returns false no matter where the rectangles are....... 


There are a lot of ways to do this, the simplest would be to get the bounding Rect for each Bitmap and on each time step to check for a collision using Rect.intersect() method.

Something like this:

boolean collision = player.getRect().intersect(fallingObject.getRect());

Additionally there are many other (better) ways to do this, especially when dealing with objects that aren't rectangles and when you have lots of objects on the screen. Check out this post for a good discussion

Also the book "Beginning Android Games" has a great chapter about collision detection and the book is well worth a read if you are considering writing a game.