在Html.fromHtml加载图像中的TextView(HTTP URL图像,Base64的网址图像)图像、加载、网址、fromHtml

2023-09-06 04:12:27 作者:前任只认钱

我有一个TextView中,我展示了一个论坛帖子,这是使用RTE进入网站上的内容,内容涉及形象与的Base64类型的两种类型的Web网址, .. Html.fromHtml的默认实现替换所有 IMG 标签与小方..

I have a textview in which I am showing content of a forum post, which is entered on website using rte, the content involves images, both of type web url and of type Base64.. The default implementation of Html.fromHtml replaces all the img tags with small square..
