
2023-09-06 02:44:16 作者:獨行蒗子會擁風



或者我应该使用API​​的地方后,再次在用户选择自己的地址,以获得地址的GPS坐标?我不想送,因为到位的使用限制多个请求到位置API。 。这是从商家的API ..There预期的响应是响应没有GPS坐标。

    参考:CiQYAAAA0Q_JA ...... kT3ufVLDDvTQsOwZ_tc
    类型:GEO code],
    参考:CjQjAAAAHnbxZZ ...... BDR3iIOFdMTxwo1jHg
    类型:GEO code],
    参考:CjQhAAAAIv_YWYt ...... F8KZHY36TwMrbyu_g
    类型:GEO code],



https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/details/json?reference=CiQYAAAA0Q_JA...kT3ufVLDDvTQsOwZ_tc&sensor=true&key=AddYourOwnKeyHere Android实战开发之 GPS定位实例


I have an address field in my app where the user needs to enter the required address. I have used google Geocoder to get the GPS coordinates of the address . But now I want to make it easier for the user by using Places Autocomplete . But Places Autocomplete only returns the address , Id and reference of the place .

Is there a way to get the GPS coordinates of the address selected by the user using Places Autocomplete API ? Do I have to use Geocoder again after the user selects his address from Places Autocomplete ?

Or Should I use Places API again after the user selects his address to get the GPS coordinates of the address ? I dont want to send multiple requests to the Places API because of the usage limits in place . . This is the expected response from Places API ..There is no GPS coordinates in the response .

"status": "OK",
  "predictions": [ {
    "description": "Paris, France",
    "id" : "691b237b0322f28988f3ce03e321ff72a12167fd",
    "reference": "CiQYAAAA0Q_JA...kT3ufVLDDvTQsOwZ_tc",
    "terms": [ {
      "value": "Paris",
      "offset": 0
    }, {
      "value": "France",
      "offset": 7
    } ],
    "types": [ "geocode" ],
    "matched_substrings": [ {
      "offset": 0,
      "length": 5
    } ]
  }, {
    "description": "Paris, TX, United States",
    "id" : "518e47f3d7f39277eb3bc895cb84419c2b43b5ac",
    "reference": "CjQjAAAAHnbxZZ...BDR3iIOFdMTxwo1jHg",
    "terms": [ {
      "value": "Paris",
      "offset": 0
    }, {
      "value": "TX",
      "offset": 7
    }, {
      "value": "United States",
      "offset": 11
    } ],
    "types": [ "geocode" ],
    "matched_substrings": [ {
      "offset": 0,
      "length": 5
    } ]
  }, {
    "description": "Paris, Ontario, Canada",
    "id" : "e7ac9c89d4a590305242b0cb5bf43064027223c9",
    "reference": "CjQhAAAAIv_YWYt...F8KZHY36TwMrbyu_g",
    "terms": [ {
      "value": "Paris",
      "offset": 0
    }, {
      "value": "Ontario",
      "offset": 7
    }, {
      "value": "Canada",
      "offset": 16
    } ],
    "types": [ "geocode" ],
    "matched_substrings": [ {
      "offset": 0,
      "length": 5
    } ]


You simply use the Place Details part of the Places API where you get the actual place from the reference in each suggestion using the "reference" value. For example:


This will give you information about the place including its coordinates (point for a specific location, bounds for an area).