Android的 - 为什么要使用挂起的意图进行geofences要使、意图、挂起、Android

2023-09-06 02:42:33 作者:便秘时想起你











华硕ROG新款手机发布,0流量接收信息,与苹果APNS 谷歌FCM相当


I just finished the tutorial for geofencing on Android ( and I wonder why the 'callback' for geofences are done via pending intents and not a simple callback interface.

If implemented in an activity, one would usually disconnect the location client in onPause() anyway, so previously added geofences would not be tracked either after the application paused/was destroyed, so why a pending intent? Or am I mistaken here?


I wonder why the 'callback' for geofences are done via pending intents and not a simple callback interface.

Mostly because geofences are designed to work even without your application running.

If implemented in an activity, one would usually disconnect the location client in onPause() anyway, so previously added geofences would not be tracked either after the application paused/was destroyed, so why a pending intent? Or am I mistaken here?

I believe that you are mistaken here. In fact, geofences specifically are not designed for directly triggering UI, as is discussed in the documentation:

The Intent sent from Location Services can trigger various actions in your app, but you should not have it start an activity or fragment, because components should only become visible in response to a user action.

Now, you might elect to say that you want to only use geofences while you have your activity in the foreground. However, you would have to remove those geofences in onPause(). A geofence will remain registered until its expiration time or manually removed, AFAICT.