
2023-09-06 02:31:22 作者:水清墨韵


I have been developing my app for around two months, in the last week i have started getting the following error when trying to compile and run the app from Eclipse:

java.io.IOException: Unable to upload file: No space left on device


The APK comes out at 3.6Mb and the emulator is a recently created fresh one with 512Mb SD card and other specs identical to the G1.


Can anyone suggest a reason this might be happening?



I've had that happen before, and I solved it by creating a new virtual device as Mr. Hedlund suggests. I didn't spend time trying to figure out why it happened, but creating the new device allowed my app to upload. My application is nearly twice as big as yours, and it uploads fine most of the time. Try deleting and re-creating the emulator as Mr. Hedlund suggests. It's worked for me on several occasions... Being new at Android development, I'm suspicious that I've been running into that issue due to resource leaks, but I haven't chased the problem down yet because I'm still concentrating on getting my app to work correctly... Hope this helps!