Facebook的SDK为Android - 一套应用程序编程ID应用程序、SDK、Facebook、ID

2023-09-06 02:15:45 作者:丑小鸭变成了烤鸭


I have a native Android app that needs to connect to a different Facebook app (different Application ID) based on an app setting that can be changed at runtime.


Imagine the app can be set to point to DEV, TEST, or PROD. When pointed to DEV the FB Application ID should be "1". When pointed to TEST the FB Application ID should be "2". etc.


The problem is the UiLifecycleHelper from the Facebook SDK automatically reads the "com.facebook.sdk.ApplicationId" from the AndroidManifest.xml during the onCreate phase. There doesn't appear to be a way to set this programmatically.


Is it possible to use UiLifecycleHelper and point to a different application ID at runtime or do I have to fall back to manually managing the Session?


我决定叉GitHub上Facebook的Andr​​oid的SDK项目,并进行必要的修改。我已经提交了拉请求,我的变化,如果有人有兴趣,的https:// github上.COM / Facebook的/ Facebook的Andr​​oid的SDK /拉/ 294 。

I decided to fork the facebook-android-sdk project on GitHub and make the necessary changes. I have submitted a pull request with my changes if anyone is interested, https://github.com/facebook/facebook-android-sdk/pull/294.