
2023-09-06 02:11:04 作者:我爱你就行了

我有一个手写识别的应用程序 - 用户绘画用他们的手指,该应用程序可识别的字符。该识别引擎的工作线程具有最小可能的优先级运行 - 从Thread.MIN_PRIORITY 。这是一个纯粹的CPU /内存算法,没有I / O任何责任。尽管如此,当线程正积极时,UI变得相当不稳定。手指招取一个明显的延迟出现。我也注意到触摸事件迷路。

I have a handwriting recognition app - the user draws with their finger, the app recognizes characters. The recognition engine runs in a worker thread that has the the minimal possible priority - Thread.MIN_PRIORITY. It's a purely CPU/memory algorithm, no I/O whatsoever. Still, when the thread is actively working, the UI becomes rather choppy. The finger strokes take a noticeable delay to appear. I also notice touch events getting lost.


Isn't that exactly what threading was supposed to help avoid? Why is the UI thread starved for CPU? How do convince the system to treat the worker thread as, well, a low-priority background thread?


It looks like the system is introducing (willingly or because of CPU starvation) a delay between invalidate() and onDraw(). Can I somehow lower that delay?

测试在相对较老的硬件 - 的HTC Magic采用Android 2.1

Testing on relatively old hardware - HTC Magic with Android 2.1.



Had same problem, so I made my thread:


Constantly listen when user touched Views and made it yield and then sleep for short times (50 ms).


Limited updates posted to UI thread with a min 500 ms interval (causing much less re-draw).


Made the worker work on prioritized buckets of data, this focuses on updating the views, user is currently interacting with.


Now the whole UI is really lazy, but free of lag.


Here's what my worker's sheduling method looks like (actual work is done by Process method):


            //--as long as there's more work to do, and not cancelled--
            while (mPriorityBuffer.hasNext() && !isCancelled()) {

                //---get the work with highest priority---
                Work next = mPriorityBuffer.getNext();

                //---user busy with touchscreen ? take some rest-----
                while (mDetector.isTouching()) {

                //----do work---

                long timeNow = Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis();
                if(timeNow - timeLast > 500){
                   //---its been quite a while now, update ui--
                   timeLast = timeNow;

                //----let UI thread work on updates----


More tweaking:


Make the touch-detector give up after some time, when user is still touching down. This will prevent worker thread permanently sleeping.

触摸检测器模块UI事件,一会儿,就下来了检测触摸。这将prevent UI线程挤破头触摸事件。

touch-detector blocks UI events, for a while, on detecting touch down. This will prevent UI thread getting overloaded with touch events.