
2023-09-06 01:53:51 作者:一路伴随我的你

是否有可能通过USB连接在一起的两个Android设备之间的通信。这是假设它们都具有USB OTG,并有支持它的内核。

Is it possible to communicate between two android devices connected together via USB. This is assuming they are both devices with USB OTG and have kernels that support it.


I've tried searching for this but cannot find a good starting point. I'd assume that one of the devices needs to act as a host and one as a client which is exactly what I need (only really require one way communication actually).



I tried connecting two phones (one running ICS and the other JB) using a male-A-to-male-microB cable coupled with a female-A-to-male-microB adapter, and one of the phones detected the other one as a USB device.

无论我居然会能够在它们之间进行通信某种程度上是另一回事。也许href="http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/usb/host.html" rel="nofollow"> Android开发者文档关于这一问题的
