执行两次jQuery的AJAX GET请求两次、jQuery、GET、AJAX

2023-09-06 13:32:27 作者:[人丑就要多读书]


I have the following ajax request that is executed at a click of a button:

<a href="javascript:test()"><img src="css/images/test.png"></a>

function test(){

        type: "GET",
        dataType: "json",
        url: '/path/to/url',
        success: function(data){
        error: function(jqXHR, status, error){
            console.debug("*** " + status + " : " + error + " : " + jqXHR.status);
        cache: false

请求的响应时间为大约30秒返回。然而,该请求被接收到的并且由两倍可由apache的日志中可以看出的服务器执行。请求的时间戳分别是30秒间隔,但要求是相同的(例如,?_ ​​= 1363692320782)。点击响应函数被调用一次错误回调被调用一次(初始请求后,正好60秒),虽然Apache响应是200。

The request response takes approximately 30 seconds to return. However, the request is received and executed by the server twice as can be seen by the apache logs. The timestamp of the requests are 30 seconds apart but the request is identical (e.g ?_=1363692320782). The click response function is called once and the error callback is invoked once (exactly 60 seconds after initial request), although the apache response is a 200.

此问题已被复制了三星Galaxy S2,Android版本2.3.5在PhoneGap的应用程序。

This problem has been reproduced in a Samsung Galaxy S2, android version 2.3.5 in a phonegap application.

更新 - 从下面的评论加入Apache日志条目 - - [19/Mar/2013:14:07:59 +0000] "GET /pcapi/records/dropbox/08342hjg9gpqm7g/?_=1363702072225 HTTP/1.1" 200 11139 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.5; en-gb; GT-I9100 Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1" - - [19/Mar/2013:14:08:29 +0000] "GET /pcapi/records/dropbox/08342hjg9gpqm7g/?_=1363702072225 HTTP/1.1" 200 11139 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.3.5; en-gb; GT-I9100 Build/GINGERBREAD) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1"

更新 - 亚行logcat

I/Web Console(16747): * at file:///android_asset/www/js/mobile.js:1769
I/Web Console(16747): *** error : : 0 at file:///android_asset/www/js/mobile.js:1779

更新 - TCP / IP监视器

通过TCP / IP监视器把请求显示正在发送的200响应为两个请求。

Putting the requests through a TCP/IP monitor shows both requests being sent with a 200 response for both.


我打这个确切的问题,在Android 2.3.5上运行我的应用程序。我只能得出这样的结论的WebView是一个重试超时后的请求。我找不到任何方式影响超时的持续时间。

I hit this exact problem with my app running on Android 2.3.5. I could only conclude that the webview was retrying the request after a timeout. I could find no way to affect the duration of the timeout.


In the end, I rewrote the code such that the initial request spun off an asynch process on the server and returned immediately. Then, from a setTimer on the page, I would check the status of the server process (again, returning immediately). When the status was "complete", the page would move along to the next step.


I hope that helps. I certainly understand your frustration with this. I spent a couple of days myself fighting with it.


This may have been the article that sent me in the direction of an asynchronous solution. I believe the problem stated here is one and the same:
