
2023-09-06 01:10:29 作者:自我主宰

我如何可以同步改变我做的build.gradle到项目结构(例如,该AndroidStudio是认识我添加的lib? 有点像在重新导入所有的Maven项目的Maven项目 - 只是一个纯粹的摇篮项目

how can I sync changes I made in the build.gradle into the project structure ( e.g. that AndroidStudio is recognizing the lib I added? Kind of like the "reimport all maven projects" for maven projects - just for a pure gradle project.




Ok, so in the latest version of Android Studio 0.1.3, they've added a Gradle project refresh button next to the other Android specific buttons in the toolbar. Make changes manually to the build.gradle files and settings.gradle and then click this button. It should configure and refresh your project settings based on the gradle files.