
2023-09-06 00:25:55 作者:我好中意你


Currently, I have a table of posts and a table of users. Naturally, each user can be associated with multiple posts. Each row in the post table stores the user ID of the user that created the post. Here are example rows:

邮政行:标题的post_id USER_ID

Post row: post_id headline user_id


User row: user_id user_name


I want to return a Cursor containing both the post row and its corresponding user row by matching the user ID in the post table to the user ID in the user table. What type of query would I use to achieve this? The result should be:

组合行:标题的post_id USER_ID用户名

Combined row: post_id headline user_id user_name


More generally: How do I combine data from two separate tables based on a shared piece of data into a single Cursor?


您也可以在你的Andr​​oid code像这样使用原始的SQLite语句:

You can also use raw SQLite statements in your Android code like such:

SQLiteDatabase db = this.getReadableDatabase();
    Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery("SELECT serials.id, serials.cabinet_number, serials.serial_number, " +
            "configuration.frequency, configuration.ag, configuration.number_alarms, configuration.failed_rapper, configuration.max_mv, configuration.max_nav " +
            "FROM serials JOIN configuration ON serials.id = configuration.serial_id WHERE serials.id = '" + current_id + "'", null);

在选择格式为 TABLE_NAME.COLUMN_NAME 。在...上是在那里你将结合基于共享数据块的数据。

In the SELECT the format is table_name.column_name. The ON is where you would combine the data based on a shared piece of data.