
2023-09-06 00:12:36 作者:忆白

对不起,我是一个初学编程的,而我学习,现在只在Android的Java特定语言。我有一本书,从我想学习,但是我没有原始文件夹时,我提出一个新的项目。我如何能做到吗?还是我之前删除了?我不知道,因为我只是试着去发现Eclipse IDE中,我犯了一些错误。 :)

Sorry, I'm a beginner programmer, and I'm learning only now the Android Java specific language. I have a book, from I want to learn, but I don't have a raw folder when I make a new project. How can I make it? Or I deleted it before? I don't know, because I'm only try to discover the Eclipse IDE, and I made some mistakes. :)



我想你指的是文件夹,而不是文件......不,这不是默认情况下,要创建它:在 RES 文件夹,单击鼠标右键,选择新建...文件夹,然后输入文件夹的名称,如图所示:

I think you mean the raw folder, not file .. and no, it's not default, you have to create it: right-click on the res folder, select New...Folder, and enter the name of the folder, like in the image:


Then, you can create new files there, either with drag-and-drop, or again right click on the folder name, New... File.