
2023-09-06 00:05:05 作者:时光会咬人


Need some advice. I have an App. And I need do write some UnitTest. But I really don't know what to test. I already test Settings and all preferences, that's easy. What else usually people test ? Lets say that I have 3 Activities. Main one is list activity, when you click on list item its forward you on a second List Activity...and on list item click its forward you on third Activity. I think maybe I should test the switching between activities ? How to simulate click on list item in UnitTest and how to check that activity was open or not ? Thanks !


Android提供测试类为你,你希望能够在你的单元测试一样面面俱到。 您可以单元测试你的Java组件,你的android架构的依赖组件,并且您的工作流程作为一个整体。

Android provides test classes for you to be able to be as exhaustive in your unit testing as you want to be. You can unit test your java components, your android-architecture dependant components, and your workflow as a whole.


In your case, to test sequences between activities, you can use the InstrumentationTestCase class and extend it, and then in your tests, you should use the following methods:

// Prepare a monitor for your activity
Instrumentation instrumentation = getInstrumentation()
Instrumentation.ActivityMonitor monitor = instrumentation.addMonitor(YourClass.class.getName(), null, false);

// Start your activity manually
Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
intent.setClassName(instrumentation.getTargetContext(), YourClass.class.getName());

// Get the started Activity
Activity currentActivity = getInstrumentation().waitForMonitor(monitor);


Then you can remove the monitor and add another monitor for the next activity you expect to catch in the workflow sequence. With this sequence you can programatically interact and verify sequences of actions that go through multiple activities.