如何用root来切换飞行模式在Android 4.2?如何用、模式、root、Android

2023-09-05 23:47:50 作者:尛゛暧昧べ

众所周知,在Android 4.2系统唯一的应用程序可以切换飞行模式。但我认为这必须是可用于植根设备。我想impliment它在我的应用程序与Build.VERSION.SDK_INT> = 17植根设备。 如何切换飞行模式植根设备与Android 4.2?

As is known, on Android 4.2 only system applications can toggle Airplane Mode. But I think it must be available for rooted devices. And I want to impliment it in my application for rooted devices with Build.VERSION.SDK_INT>=17. How to toggle Airplane Mode on rooted devices with Android 4.2?


有一个新的设置二进制中的Andr​​oid 4.2 你也可以使用它,而苏,那么你的应用程序需要改变你的应用程序的清单中声明(这将是WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS飞行模式4.2 - 这是唯一授予安装在系统分区的应用程序),此设置所需的权限。

There is a new "settings" binary in Android 4.2 You can also use it without su, then your app needs the permission required to change this setting declared in your app's manifest (which would be WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS for flight mode in 4.2 - which is only granted to apps installed on system partition).


settings put global airplane_mode_on 1
am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE --ez state true


settings put global airplane_mode_on 0
am broadcast -a android.intent.action.AIRPLANE_MODE --ez state false

有关其他Android版本和其他设置(飞行模式可以在没有根4.2之前被激活),可以使用在settings.db SQL其注入

For other android versions and other settings (flight mode can be activated without root before 4.2) you can use sql injects in settings.db

sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
insert into global values(null, 'airplane_mode_on', 1);


Replace "global" with "system" or "secure" and 'airplane_mode_on' with the key of your desired table entry. For some settings you need to send certain broadcasts afterwards, see example above for flight mode.


To explore your settings.db run this in a terminal app:

sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.settings/databases/settings.db
select * from global
select * from secure
select * from system