
2023-09-05 23:27:39 作者:窃笑

我已经吨的功能在我的WinForms项目,我用NLOG进行记录。我想有包装与每个功能nlogger.Info(开始) nlogger.Info(结束),所以我会知道在哪个地方发生实际的异常或code目前正在运行的地方。

I have tons of functions in my WinForms project and i'm using NLog for logging. I want to have an ability to wrap each function with nlogger.Info("start") and nlogger.Info("end") so i will know in which place actual exception occurred or where the code currently runs.


Is there a smart way to do it or i will need to place lines from above in all of my functions ?


我相信 PostSharp 可以做到这一点为你,并且可以应用在组件级别(通过程序集级别的属性)。不过,我会很谨慎的潜在的性能影响。编写方面应该是pretty的很少。

I believe that PostSharp can do this for you, and can apply at the assembly level (via assembly-level attributes). However, I would be cautious of the potential performance impact. Writing the "aspect" should be pretty minimal.