
2023-09-06 13:10:01 作者:逢场作戏丶小丑而已


I need to view who signed the application I have installed onto my device. Is this generally possible to do on the device or on PC?


(假设你能够访问到原始的apk文件 - 这通常你可以,如果你知道它的名称和位置,即使你不能列出数据/上的无根电话内容)

(assuming you can obtain access to the raw apk file - which you usually can, if you know it's name and location, even though you can't list the contents of /data on a non-rooted phone)

您可以打开APK作为一个压缩文件,并从META-INF / CERT.RSA

You could open the apk as a zip file and filter the ascii text from the binary content of META-INF/CERT.RSA


Or using an actual tool,

的jarsigner -verify -certs -verbose some_application.apk

jarsigner -verify -certs -verbose some_application.apk