
2023-09-05 11:03:13 作者:自娱自乐自己过


I have an activity with two fragments: one for showing products in a gridview and the other to show the products that the user adds to the order (ListFragment). When the user clicks a product in the grid view, what I need is to display a dialog (DialogFragment) in which I ask the quantity of product wanted. Then, when the user click accept in the dialog, I want the product to appear in the ListFragment.


On one hand, I have to pass the object product to the dialog in order to show it's name as the dialog's title (for example). So what I did was to pass it this way:

public static class ProductDialog extends DialogFragment {

        static ProductDialog newInstance(ProductVO product) {
            ProductDialog f = new ProductDialog();

            Bundle args = new Bundle();
            args.putSerializable("product", product);

            return f;

        public Dialog onCreateDialog(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
            ProductVO product = (ProductVO) getArguments().getSerializable("product");

            return new AlertDialog.Builder(getActivity())


                        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {

                        new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
                            public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int whichButton) {


I think that it is okey, correct me if I'm wrong. But then, in the onClick event of the positive button I have to retrieve the quantity introduced in the dialog, and then pass it to the other fragment (the ListFragment), and then it should be displayed in the list instantly.



