
2023-09-05 10:15:41 作者:方丈说我很迷人


i have an aacplayer app, i want to save the state of my activity when orientation changes from portrait to landscape, the textviews doesnt appears empty i tried to freeze my textview using this:





i used also this:

    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig){


so when orientation changes to landscape i can see my layout-land main2.xml, that works but my textview goes out and appears empty. Stream music works great i can listen to it when orientation changes, but the text inside textviews are gone each time i change the orientation of my device.


what should i do to fix this?, so i can save the state of all my:

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


thank you very much.


当您的方向改变,您不必手动更改的景观布局文件。 Android的做这个自动为您。当方向改变,Android的破坏你现有的活动,并重新创建一个新的活动,这就是为什么你失去的文字。

When your orientation changes, you don't have to manually change to the landscape layout file. Android does this automatically for you. When orientation changes, Android destroys your current activity and creates a new activity again, this is why you are losing the text.


There are 2 parts you need to do, assuming you want a separate layout for portrait and landscape.


Assuming you have 2 XML layout files for portrait and landscape, put your main.xml layout file in the following folders:

RES /布局/ main.xml中< - 这将是你的肖像布局 RES /布局陆/ main.xml中< - 这将是你的景观布置

res/layout/main.xml <-- this will be your portrait layout res/layout-land/main.xml <-- this will be your landscape layout

这就是所有你需要做的,你没有触摸清单文件修改安卓configChanges =定向或重写 onConfigurationChanged()。其实,这是建议大家不要碰这个你要实现的目标是什么。

That's all you need to do, you don't have to touch the manifest file to modify android:configChanges="orientation" or override the onConfigurationChanged(). Actually, it's recommended you do not touch this for what you are trying to achieve.


Now to save your text from the text view =) Lets assume your textview is named as MyTextView in your layout xml file. Your activity will need the following:

private TextView mTextView;
private static final String KEY_TEXT_VALUE = "textValue";

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
   mTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.main);
   if (savedInstanceState != null) {
      CharSequence savedText = savedInstanceState.getCharSequence(KEY_TEXT_VALUE);

protected void onSaveInstanceState (Bundle outState) {
    outState.putCharSequence(KEY_TEXT_VALUE, mTextView.getText());


Basically, whenever Android destroys and recreates your Activity for orientation change, it calls onSaveInstanceState() before destroying and calls onCreate() after recreating. Whatever you save in the bundle in onSaveInstanceState, you can get back from the onCreate() parameter.

()。如果该项活动的第一次(未由于旋转变化)创建的,所述savedInstanceState将在的onCreate空()。你也可能不需要的安卓freezesText =真正的

So you want to save the value of the text view in the onSaveInstanceState(), and read it and populate your textview in the onCreate(). If the activity is being created for the first time (not due to rotation change), the savedInstanceState will be null in onCreate(). You also probably don't need the android:freezesText="true"


You can also try saving other variables if you need to, since you'll lose all the variables you stored when the activity is destroyed and recreated.