
2023-09-05 09:57:53 作者:凉心的人却会说暖心的话i


In my android app, i want to test some features with proguard on.


I don't need to really "debug" it, but i want proguard to run when i hit run in eclipse. I don't want to export the binary every time (so, in release mode) and save as apk and get it to the device to test.


Is there any way to run proguard in this way?


看起来这是可能的,如果你的不可以使用的的Eclipse ;作为问题标题不包括Eclipse中,有多个正确回答这个问题。

It seems like this is possible if you are not using Eclipse; as question title does not include Eclipse, there are multiple correct answers to this question.


的http:// developer.android.com/tool​​s/help/proguard.html


在,无论是运行ant版本或通过使用导出向导在Eclipse构建在释放模式的应用程序,构建系统会自动检查,看看是否proguard.config属性设置。如果是,ProGuard的自动包装一切成的apk文件之前处理应用程序的字节code。 大厦在调试模式下不会调用ProGuard的,因为它使调试更加繁琐。

When you build your application in release mode, either by running ant release or by using the Export Wizard in Eclipse, the build system automatically checks to see if the proguard.config property is set. If it is, ProGuard automatically processes the application's bytecode before packaging everything into an .apk file. Building in debug mode does not invoke ProGuard, because it makes debugging more cumbersome.



Seems it is possible with what others users have answered. Pls check the below answers for more information